Yep, one last day to the end of 2012. this years I would say its a pretty bad year for me.
Pretty disappointed as some of the new year resolution I made did not come true as I wish.
-didn't managed to pass driving
- Some friends have been drifting away .
-Last year of poly was bad, have been flooded with workloads & commitments. oh dear hope the last two months will be good.
However, in 2012 , I have also met really good people in my life. There are my awesome Chengdu cliques. Mixing with them always full of laughter and endless topics :) I'm also glad my family members are still around with me as always. Really cannot imagine my life without them. :') I hope they stay healthy forever.
New Year, new resolutions.
In 2013, I would have go to the next stage of my life since I will be graduating from poly. I really hope I will give my best this last sem and get to my desire university and course.
I want to pass my driving!!!
I would like to see a change in myself.
Family and friends will still be my side through the good and worst times.
Most importantly, I can get closer to God. Without him, anything would be impossible.