i had put in 200% of effort for every single one of them and hopefully hardwork pays off ! Planning, Organizing ,working together, (stressed up), compiling, completing .... the process of getting a project done. Thanks God for some awesome groupmates who made my workload so much lighter ! Speaking about those free loader makes me >: , hope you guys will feel guilty! zzz. Lesson learned from last sem: not to mark down anyone. I hardly have time for shopping and time for bonding with family and friends. opportunity cost yeah. Yepp, so everything is doneeee !
Sem 1.2 was so much tiring than Sem1.1 i swear ! Waking up in the morning is the most dreadful thing on the earth unlike last sem whereby most lessons start late. So much i wanted to sleep longer but i have to force myself to get ready for school. )): oh man, Majors are in 3weeks timeee ! im so not readyyy for it !! seriously need to wake up and pull up my socks.
Hm, bought only a set of cny clothes due to time constraint. I have so no mood for cny because exams period are right after that. Booo. I did went for shopping but it was not productive. Haha. I admit i'm too 挑剔 :c. Hahaha. How how how.
I'm looking forward to go back to Malaysia to visit my relatives! It has been half a year since i last went back. ): who says poly is more carefree and relax should just bang the wall. Lol.
K, will blog another day. Bye.
Is my metal casing cute ? lol. my friends said it looks like primary school pencil case :/
Poly cliques ♥ thanks for making my first year in nyp a fantastic one ! :) p/s: i m not talking about the heavy workload ! >.<